Backup Gadgets in Vista

There are some useful gadgets provided in the Windows Vista Sidebar gadgets. I find the Vista Notes Gadget useful to take down small notes. I recently had to move my data to a new machine and wanted to backup these gadgets. There are some tools that help you take a backup, however if you want to take a backup without using any tools, follow these steps:

1. Browse to C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar

2. You will find a file called Settings.ini. This file contains all the data and settings of your gadgets. Copy this file and save it in your backup drive.

3. In the new machine, replace the Settings.ini with the one you have in your backup drive


About The Author

Suprotim Agarwal
Suprotim Agarwal, Developer Technologies MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional) is the founder and contributor for DevCurry, DotNetCurry and SQLServerCurry. He is the Chief Editor of a Developer Magazine called DNC Magazine. He has also authored two Books - 51 Recipes using jQuery with ASP.NET Controls. and The Absolutely Awesome jQuery CookBook.

Follow him on twitter @suprotimagarwal.

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