A user on a forum recently asked a question on how you clear the items in a drop down list using jQuery.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPeople" runat="server">
The answer to the problem is in the jQuery Selector. The person was using the following jQuery to try and clear the items, but it wasn’t working:
The items weren’t being removed because the jQuery Selector is wrong. What you need to do is tell the Selector to remove all the children (<option> tags). Like this:
$("select[id$=ddlPeople] > option").remove();
“> option” matches all child elements. Because each item in the drop down list is rendered as an <option> tag, you need to clear the child <option> tags in order to clear the items in a drop down list.
why not just $("select[id$=ddlPeople]").empty(); ?
there is lot of difference between empty() and remove()
Remove() will completely remove the element and new element will appended in the same place..
empty()- will delete the content but still the space remains.Any new element will be appended after the old content space..
Thank you! I found a few jQuery examples that didn't work. Yours is perfect.
If a select contains optgroup tags these will remain. If everything has to be removed use $("#ID").children().remove();
If you use jquerymobile make sure you refresh the ui with:
/* check if there is an selectmenu instance */
var instance = $select.data("selectmenu");
if (instance) {
/* force a rebuild of the ui */ $select.selectmenu("refresh", true);
Thanks..it worked..
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