I became an MVP again!

When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible” - Unknown

I became a Microsoft MVP again for the 3rd consecutive year, and I thank Microsoft for bestowing this award on me. I was awarded the MVP title as a result of my contributions to the technology community via my sites DotNetCurry.com, DevCurry.com, SqlServerCurry.com and to the ASP.NET forums

It’s sometimes hard for us running and updating all these sites ‘regularly’ along with a consultancy job, but all the energy comes from focusing on what excites us the most – Technology!

Chasing your passion is fun and it gets better, when you are awarded for it ;)

About the MVP award

For those who are not aware of the MVP award, Microsoft says:

We seek to recognize the best and brightest from technology communities around the world with the Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award.

These exceptional community leaders come from a wide range of backgrounds. They are teachers, artists, doctors, engineers, as well as technologists, who actively share their high-quality, real-world technical expertise with the community and with Microsoft.

Unlike other awards, you are re-evaluated for this award every year. I think this makes this award all the more special, since you are motivated to become better every year, to win it!

Some MVP Facts:

  • Around 4000 MVP’s in the world

  • Live in more than 90 countries

  • Speak nearly 40 languages

  • Answer more than 10 million questions each year

  • Offer expertise in around 90 Microsoft technologies

MVP Award Benefits

Being an MVP is fun! Along with a MVP trophy and a certificate, Microsoft values its awardees by providing them with access to several resources such as complimentary subscriptions to MSDN or TechNet, access to MVP private newsgroups, technical support incidents.

One of the primary benefits this award gives you is the opportunity to interact with the product team through your MVP Lead and also the first hand information you get while these products are being developed. The best of all is the Microsoft MVP Global Summit held almost every year. This Summit provides opportunities for MVPs around the world to network and socialize with each other, meet the product teams and attend technical sessions delivered by the teams – all of this, in Microsoft’s own headquarters, Redmond!

How do I Become an MVP?

You may want to look at How do I become an MVP ? If you feel you have got what it takes to become an MVP, drop me a line. This is an elite club, every IT Pro and Developer dreams to be a part of.

Well, I am an MVP and I am proud of it!


  1. Congrats! Just discovered your site recently -- really enjoy and appreciate your postings.

  2. Awesome bro congrats i never knew you are a SQL champ too :) sqlservercurry looks good!
