Free SVN Repositories to Host your Projects

We are planning to start work on an open source project soon. As a result, we were looking out for a free SVN repository [what is SVN?] with the following main features:

  • reliable version control system
  • mailing lists, forums, issue tracker, pages, download area
  • web based administration

Here are some free SVN repositories we found and thought of sharing with you, in case you too are looking out for some. Note that some of the products listed here have both free and commercial options. I am highlighting only the Free plans.

Assembla - Unlimited Users. Unlimited Projects. 2 GB Storage. Ideal for consultants and small agile-development teams that want a safe, reliable version control solution.

Unfuddle – Free for 2 users, 200 MB of space. Unlimited Repositories Subversion & Git.

BeanStalk – Free for 3 users, 1 private repository (Git or SVN) and 100 MB of space.

ProjectLocker – Free for 5 Users, 500 MB space and unlimited projects

Origo - Origo is an open source software development and collaboration platform that provides an SVN repository (with web interface), project wiki page, issue tracker with tag support, releases area etc.

Google Code - Project Hosting on Google Code provides a free collaborative development environment for open source projects. Each project comes with its own member controls, Subversion/Mercurial repository, issue tracker, wiki pages, and downloads section.

Gna! - Gna! provides Source Code Repositories (CVS, GNU Arch, Subversion), Download Area, Web Pages, Mailing-Lists and Trackers (Bugs, Task, Support Requests, Patches).

BerliOS - BerliOS Developer is a free service to Open Source developers offering easy access to the best in CVS/SVN/Mercurial/GIT, mailing lists, bug tracking, message boards/forums, task management, site hosting, permanent file archival, full backups, and total web-based administration.

You may also want to take a look at CodePlex, GitHub, SourceForge and Freepository


  1. Though I personally prefer git (thus GitHub). You should also consider Mecurial which can be hosted on Bit Bucket.

  2. Would be nice to know which ones allow private projects, not only public ones.

  3. Assembla allows private projects, very nice ones at that. I don't know about the others.

  4. XP-DEV also provides free subversion hosting for private projects

  5. Codesion also offers free hosting for open source accounts. Includes SVN, Git, Trac and Bugzilla.

  6. Great list, thanks for sharing its really useful.

  7. Thank you all for the additional inputs!

  8. There is RiouxSVN which offers free subversion hosting with great service.

  9. ProjectLocker : Free for 3 users, 300Mo and up to 3 projects

  10. CodePlex is shutting down:

    Death to free SVN.
