Get Selected Value of Radio Button using a Single line of jQuery code

In this post, we will see how to retrieve the selected value of a RadioButton using a single line of jQuery code. This is yet another example to prove that the jQuery library is indeed “Write Less, Do More”

<html xmlns="" >
<title>Selected Radio Button (from</title>
<script src=""
   <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
     $('#btnRadio').click(function () {
          var checkedradio = $('[name="gr"]:radio:checked').val();
          $("#sel").html("Selected Value: " + checkedradio);
<input type="radio" name="gr" value="Milk" /> Milk <br />
<input type="radio" name="gr" value="Butter"
checked="checked" /> Butter <br />
<input type="radio" name="gr" value="Cheese" /> Ch <br />
<hr />
<p id="sel"></p><br />
<input id="btnRadio" type="button" value="Get Selected Value" />

As you can see, the crux of the example lies in a single line of jQuery code
var checkedradio = $('[name="gr"]:radio:checked').val();

We first identify all elements with the name attribute ‘gr’ and then use :checked to filter these elements to only the one, which is in a checked state. We then use .val() to retrieve the value of the checked radio button. The final step is to display the selected value in the paragraph(sel).


See a Live Demo


  1. how to achive the same functionality in MVC 3 for RadioButtonFor i.e RadioButtonList???

  2. Thank you very much. Nice and simple :)
