jQuery, JavaScript, Silverlight, LINQ and .NET articles Link List – June 2011

Here’s a quick wrap up of jQuery, JavaScript, HTML 5, Silverlight, SharePoint, LINQ, WPF and other .NET articles published on DevCurry.com in the month of June 2011.

jQuery, JavaScript, HTML 5 and CSS Articles

JavaScript: Detect Plug-ins and MIME Types - Plug-ins are programs that add the ability to play audio, video, animation etc. Some examples of plugins are the Adobe Flash Player, QuickTime etc. MIME Types are used to exchange file types across the Internet, such as image, audio, video etc.

Generate GUID in JavaScript - Generating a GUID using JavaScript in Internet Explorer (Windows OS) is as simple as using the Scriptlet.TypeLib ActiveX object.

jQuery size() vs length - I have seen a lot of jQuery developers getting confused over the usage of the jQuery size() function and length property. Both of these return the count of elements on the page or jQuery object.

CSS First-Letter First-Line Pseudo Elements - CSS Pseudo Elements are used to modify and add special effects to some selectors. For example to modify the first line or letter of a paragraph, you can use the :first-line and :first-letter pseudo elements. You can either increase the font size or even apply an image if you wish.

jQuery: Numbering an Unordered List - Here’s a very simple script which adds numbers sequentially to an unordered list using jQuery

Hash Tables in JavaScript - One of my C# code snippets had a Hash Table functionality and I was trying to emulate the same in JavaScript. JavaScript does not have a built-in HashTable, however you can make use of object properties as hash-type tables.

New Tags in HTML 5 - HTML 5 is the latest version of the Hyper Text MarkUp Language and introduces many new features. HTML 5 introduces many new tags devoted to describing a documents’ structure, multimedia  etc

JavaScript: Strict Mode support in Browsers and Backward Compatibility - Strict Mode was introduced in ECMAScript 5.0 and is intended to make programs simpler and free of errors. In strict mode, a more rigid set of syntax checks is used to either catch an undeclared variable or any other errors in your code.

ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF articles

Silverlight 4: Binding Enum with ComboBox - In this article, we will explore the mechanism of Binding Enumeration data with the ItemsControls family in Silverlight. Enum is used to store constant type of data with integer values as its contents For e.g. Department values like IT, System etc. can be stored in Enum and can be used as constants in your application code.

Data Validation in Silverlight using Data Annotations and Data Form - While using Silverlight for developing Line-of-Business applications, the DataForm control is recommended for performing DML operations. This control provides data pagination, insert, and update and delete operations on the records. This control provides ItemsSource property which accepts collection type as an input e.g. ObservableCollection.

WPF 4: Change Hyperlink Text and URL using DataBinding - Let us assume we want to create a WPF UI with a ListBox containing list of web sites. This ListBox must contain Hyperlinks and it should be possible to change the Text and URL of these hyperlinks dynamically. Thankfully in WPF, we have the Hyperlink control element which can be clicked and the user navigated to a URL.

Silverlight 4: Creating Word Documents in MyDocuments Folder - Silverlight 4.0 supports COM automation. Using this feature we can interact with MS-Word, Excel etc via our application. The business requirement behind this isinteraction that a lot  users prefer to store their data in Word or Excel format for immediate accessibility and modification.

ASP.NET 4: Register HTTP Module at Runtime without Editing your Web.config - The ASP.NET pipeline allows HTTP modules to be plugged-in to a request and intercept or modify each individual request. Modules can be used for processes like caching, authentication etc. Not known to many developers, ASP.NET 4.0 provides the PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute which allows you to run code even before any app_start event gets fired or any dynamic compilation occurs (App_code).

.NET and Sharepoint Articles

List<T>.ConvertAll<>() with Lambda Expression - List<T> has many useful methods for dealing with sequences and collections. One such method is the ConvertAll<>() method. All those who have used the List<T>.ConvertAll<>() are aware how useful this method is to convert the current List<T> elements to another type, and return a list of converted elements.

SharePoint 2010 Technical Library Available as CHM - Microsoft has made available the SharePoint Foundation 2010 technical library as a downloadable CHM.

WCF 4.0 REST POX Service with Help Page - Representational State Transfer (REST) support was included in WCF 3.5. In WCF 4.0, this feature has been enhanced with Help page support. This facility was added as WCF REST allows direct call to OperationContracts, using HTTP protocol by the client application.

JSON Enabled WCF 4 Service - The advantages of using JSON enabled WCF service is that the data is communicated in plain text like stream, it does not require any data/message parsing. For exposing a WCF service as JSON enabled WCF service, we need to apply the [WebGet] attribute on the method of the ServiceContract with ResponseFormat as JSON.

Coded UI Tests (CUIT) In Visual Studio 2010 - Coded UI Tests (CUIT) is a brand new feature added in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate or Premium version which allows you to test a a User Interface using automated tests. CUIT allows functional testing for UI and the code gets created with the help of high level languages like C# or VB.NET.

Visual Studio 2010 Update for HTML 5 and CSS3 - Microsoft recently released the first Web Standards Update for Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and for Visual Web Developer Express 2010 SP1. This release brings up-to-date support for HTML 5 , and CSS 3 as per the latest W3C specifications. Support has also been added for API’s for JavaScript Intellisense.

LINQ: Calculate Average File Size in C# - Let us see a simple code using LINQ and C# that calculates the average FileSize of the files kept in a folder.

Windows Azure Sample Project - .NET Stock Trader 5 Sample Application - Ask an experienced programmer and he/she will tell you that the best way to learn a new technology is by getting some hands-on experience in it. Microsoft has released a .NET Stock Trader 5 Sample SOA application that is an end-to-end sample application illustrating Windows Azure Platform Cloud Migration and Integration and will give you a good head start as well as demonstrate how to create scalable, connected systems on the cloud, with best practices.

SharePoint 2010 Application Templates for Health Organization - SharePoint 2010 Application templates are out-of-the-box custom scenarios that are created to address the business process requirements of a particular business industry – say the Health sector. These templates facilitate the business process owners and developers to build deeper SharePoint-based solutions.

LINQ: Compare two Sequences -  How do you compare two sequences using LINQ? The answer is by using the Enumerable.SequenceEqual(). SequenceEqual() compares the source and target sequences elements, by using the default equality comparer for their type, and returns a Boolean.

LINQ: Generate Odd Numbers using Parallel Execution - A couple of months ago, I had written on Generate Odd Numbers within a Range using LINQ. In that post, I had demoed how to ‘sequentially’ generate odd numbers within a Range.

Other Articles

Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) - As software developers, you must address security and privacy threats in your applications. There are many guidelines available of Security Development Lifecycle, but here’s nice 160 page whitepaper from Microsoft that outlines the SDL process used by Microsoft product groups for application development.

Virtual Machine for Visual Studio 2010 and TFS 2010 - Microsoft has released a newer RTM version of its Virtual Machine consisting of Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2010. This VM also contains new hands-on-labs, demos, power tools, feature packs and updates, VS 2010 SP1, and Team Foundation Server 2010 Service Pack Lab.

Java to .NET Migration WhitePaper–Trends and Benefits - I stumbled upon an interesting whitepaper written by Pique solutions. It spoke about the trends and insights and the strategic investments being made by companies, while doing a development platform migration from Java to .NET.

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit–June 2011 - Microsoft released the June update of VS 2010 and .NET Framework Training Kit. The Training Kit contains presentations, hands-on labs, and demos and is designed to get you up and running in no time with the latest .NET technologies

IE10 Platform Preview 2 Released with better HTML 5 support - Microsoft just released Preview 2 of the new Internet Explorer 10 and it's getting better!

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