New Tags in HTML 5

HTML 5 is the latest version of the Hyper Text MarkUp Language and introduces many new features. HTML 5 introduces many new tags devoted to describing a documents’ structure, multimedia  etc.

Here are some of the new tags added in HTML 5 (OutDated Article. Please refer to the latest list at

HTML 5 Tag Description
<article> Defines an article
<audio> Defines sound content
<canvas> Defines graphics
<command> Defines a command button
<datagrid> Defines dynamic data in a tree, tabular or list
<datalist> Defines a drop-down list
<datatemplate> Defines a data template
<details> Defines details of an element
<dialog> Defines a conversation or a dialog
<embed> Defines a plug-in or interactive content
<eventsource> Defines a a target for events generated by a remote server
<figure> Defines a group of media content used for annotating illustrations, diagrams, photos, code etc and their caption
<footer> Defines a footer for a section or page
<header> Defines a header for a section or page
<mark> Defines text as marked or highlighted for reference purpose
<meter> Defines a scalar measurement within a known range
<nav> Defines navigation links
<nest> Defines a nesting point in a data template
<output> Defines result of a calculation or some type of output
<progress> Defines progress of a task
<rule> Defines the rules for updating a template
<section> Defines a section within an article
<source> Defines multiple media resources on media elements like audio, video etc.
<time> Defines a date/time
<video> Defines a video

We will be exploring all these tags on as well as the new features of HTML 5 as we move ahead. So stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Your list is neither correct nor complete.
