My colleague Satyam shared a nice piece of JavaScript code that converts a camelcase to dashes and dashes to Camelcase.
For eg: if the string has a camelcase in it - like ‘viceVersa’, the result expected is ‘vice-Versa’. Similarly if a string has a dash in it, like ‘dot-net’, the result expected is ‘dotNet’. Let’s see the piece of code to make this possible:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function camelToDash(str) { return str.replace(/\W+/g, '-') .replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2'); } function dashToCamel(str) { return str.replace(/\W+(.)/g, function (x, chr) { return chr.toUpperCase(); }) } var str1 = "devCurry"; str1 = camelToDash(str1); var str2 = "dev-curry"; str2 = dashToCamel(str2); alert(str1 + " " + str2); </script>
Let’s see some important bits of the code shown above.
The /\W+/ pattern matches one or more of any of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the underscore character. The "g" (global) flag specifies that the search should find all occurrences of the pattern. The $1,$2,… property represents parenthesized substring matches.
Run the code and you should see the following output
Nice Regex-fu ;)
You might consider showing another example of the camelToDash code replacing any whitespace with a dash as it is doing. Like camelToDash( "dev Curry" ) outputting "dev-Curry"
Also, there is a typo describing the /\W+/ in the paragraph. It should say something to the fact that it "matches any character that is NOT a word character (alphanumeric or underscore)"
Have a great day... or night for you ;)
Elijah, Thanks for your comment. The code does replace whitespaces with dashes. Did you mean a dedicated function just for the whitespaces? Let me know if you meant anything else
Ohh no, I just meant to say your code does more than your examples show and was suggesting you could add another example to demonstrate it like...
var str3 = "dev Curry";
str3 = camelToDash( str3 ); //dev-Curry
Sorry my bad! Thanks.
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