Building Applications for Windows Phone Mango–Free Training on Aug 23/24

Microsoft MVP’s are always on the forefront when it comes to adopting and training others on the latest technologies. Rob Miles and Andy Wigley, two mobile development MVPs are conducting a FREE two-day Jump Start class which is specially tailored for developers looking to build cool applications and games for the new Windows Phone “Mango” Platform.

Since this free Live training is available only on the 23rd and 24th, please retweet and let fellow developers know about this.

Here are the details:

Dates: August 23-24, 2011
Time: 8:00am – 4:00pm PST (Use TimeZone converter to know your local time)
Duration: 8 hours/day, including hour lunch break

Course Contents:

Day One — August 23, 2011 | 8am-4pm PDT | Live online training
• Building Windows Phone Apps with Visual Studio 2010
• Silverlight on Windows Phone – Introduction
• Silverlight on Windows Phone – Advanced
• Using Expression to Build Windows Phone Interfaces
• Windows Phone Fast Application Switching
• Windows Phone Multi-tasking & Background Tasks
• Using Windows Phone Resources (Bing Maps, Camera, etc.)
Day Two — August 24, 2011 | 8am-4pm PDT | Live online training
• Application Data Storage on Windows Phone
• Using Networks with Windows Phone
• Windows Azure and Windows Phone
• Notifications on Windows Phone
• XNA for Windows Phone
• Selling a Windows Phone Application

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