Windows Phone 7 Mango Training Videos

I had very recently blogged about the FREE two-day Windows Phone 7 Jump Start class Building Applications for Windows Phone Mango–Free Training on Aug 23/24 by Rob Miles and Andy Wigley, two mobile development MVPs. This course was specially tailored for developers looking to build cool applications and games for the new Windows Phone “Mango” Platform.

In case you missed that training, here’s the list of videos on Channel9 you can download and watch at your own learning pace

Mango Jump Start (01): Building Windows Phone Apps with Visual Studio 2010
Mango Jump Start (02): Silverlight on Windows Phone—Introduction
Mango Jump Start (03): Silverlight on Windows Phone—Advanced
Mango Jump Start (04): Using Expression to Build Windows Phone Interfaces
Mango Jump Start (05): Windows Phone Fast Application Switching
Mango Jump Start (06): Windows Phone Multi-tasking & Background Tasks
Mango Jump Start (07): Using Windows Phone Resources (Bing Maps, Camera, etc.)
Mango Jump Start (08a): Application Data Storage on Windows Phone | Part 1
Mango Jump Start (08b): Application Data Storage on Windows Phone | Part 2
Mango Jump Start (09): Using Networks with Windows Phone
Mango Jump Start (10): Tiles & Notifications on Windows Phone
Mango Jump Start (11a): XNA for Windows Phone | Part 1
Mango Jump Start (11b): XNA for Windows Phone | Part 2
Mango Jump Start (12): Selling a Windows Phone Application

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